Alexandre Dulaunoy 31ac93e764
new: [pub-sub] add a pub-sub functionality for searched hashes in two
different channels:
- nx: non-existing hash value
- exist: existing hash value
2021-08-13 22:42:41 +02:00

146 lines
6.1 KiB

version = "1.0"
from flask import Flask, url_for, send_from_directory, render_template, make_response, request
from flask_restx import Resource, Api, reqparse
import redis
import configparser
import json
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
stats = config['global'].getboolean('stats')
stats_pubsub = config['global'].getboolean('stats')
app = Flask(__name__)
app.url_map.strict_slashes = False
api = Api(app, version=version, title='hashlookup CIRCL API', description='![](https://www.circl.lu/assets/images/circl-logo.png)\n[CIRCL hash lookup](https://hashlookup.circl.lu/) is a public API to lookup hash values against known database of files. NSRL RDS database is included. More database will be included in the future. The API is accessible via HTTP ReST API and the API is also [described as an OpenAPI](https://hashlookup.circl.lu/swagger.json). A [documentation is available with](https://www.circl.lu/services/hashlookup/) some sample queries. The API can be tested live in the interface below.', doc='/', license='CC-BY', contact='info@circl.lu', ordered=True)
rdb = redis.Redis(host='', port='6666', decode_responses=True)
def is_hex(s):
int(s, 16)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def client_info():
if request.environ.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') is None:
ip = request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']
ip = request.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']
user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')
return ({'ip_addr': ip, 'user_agent': user_agent})
def pub_lookup(channel=None, k=None):
if channel is None:
return False
if k is None:
return False
client = client_info()
client['value'] = k
rdb.publish(channel, json.dumps(client))
return True
@api.doc(description="Lookup MD5.")
class lookup(Resource):
def get(self, md5):
if md5 is None or len(md5) != 32:
return {'message': 'Expecting a MD5 hex value'}, 400
if not is_hex(md5):
return {'message': 'MD5 is not in hex format'}, 400
k = md5.upper()
score = 1
if not rdb.exists("l:{}".format(k)):
if stats:
rdb.zincrby("s:nx:md5", score, k)
if stats_pubsub:
pub_lookup(channel='nx', k=k)
return {'message': 'Non existing MD5', 'query': md5}, 404
if stats:
rdb.zincrby("s:exist:md5", score, k)
if stats_pubsub:
pub_lookup(channel='exist', k=k)
sha1 = rdb.get("l:{}".format(k))
h = rdb.hgetall("h:{}".format(sha1))
if "OpSystemCode" in h:
if rdb.exists("h-OpSystemCode:{}".format(h['OpSystemCode'])):
h['OpSystemCode'] = rdb.hgetall("h-OpSystemCode:{}".format(h['OpSystemCode']))
if "ProductCode" in h:
if rdb.exists("h-ProductCode:{}".format(h['ProductCode'])):
h['ProductCode'] = rdb.hgetall("h-ProductCode:{}".format(h['ProductCode']))
return h
@api.doc(description="Lookup SHA-1.")
class lookup(Resource):
def get(self, sha1):
if sha1 is None or len(sha1) != 40:
return {'message': 'Expecting a SHA-1 hex value'}, 400
if not is_hex(sha1):
return {'message': 'SHA-1 is not in hex format'}, 400
k = sha1.upper()
score = 1
if not rdb.exists("h:{}".format(k)):
if stats:
rdb.zincrby("s:nx:sha1", score, k)
if stats_pubsub:
pub_lookup(channel='nx', k=k)
return {'message': 'Non existing SHA-1', 'query': sha1}, 404
if stats:
rdb.zincrby("s:exist:sha1", score, k)
if stats_pubsub:
pub_lookup(channel='exist', k=k)
h = rdb.hgetall("h:{}".format(k))
if "OpSystemCode" in h:
if rdb.exists("h-OpSystemCode:{}".format(h['OpSystemCode'])):
h['OpSystemCode'] = rdb.hgetall("h-OpSystemCode:{}".format(h['OpSystemCode']))
if "ProductCode" in h:
if rdb.exists("h-ProductCode:{}".format(h['ProductCode'])):
h['ProductCode'] = rdb.hgetall("h-ProductCode:{}".format(h['ProductCode']))
return h
@api.doc(description="Info about the hashlookup database")
class info(Resource):
def get(self):
info = {}
info['nsrl-version'] = rdb.get('nsrl-version')
info['nsrl-NSRL-items'] = rdb.get('stat:import')
info['nsrl-NSRL-Legacy-items'] = rdb.get('stat:NSRLLegacy')
info['nsrl-Android-items'] = rdb.get('stat:NSRLAndroid')
info['nsrl-iOS-items'] = rdb.get('stat:NSRLiOS')
info['nsrl-NSRLMfg'] = str(rdb.scard('s:MfgCode'))
info['nsrl-NSRLOS'] = str(rdb.scard('s:OpSystemCode'))
info['nsrl-NSRLProd'] = str(rdb.scard('s:ProductCode'))
info['hashlookup-version'] = version
return info
@api.doc(description="Bulk search of MD5 hashes in a JSON array with the key \'hashes\'.")
class bulkmd5(Resource):
def post(self):
json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
if not 'hashes' in json_data:
return {'message': 'JSON format incorrect. An array of hashes in the key \'hashes\' is expected.'}, 404
ret = []
for val in json_data['hashes']:
if not rdb.exists("l:{}".format(val.upper())):
sha1 = rdb.get("l:{}".format(val.upper()))
return ret
@api.doc(description="Bulk search of SHA1 hashes in a JSON array with the \'hashes\'.")
class bulksha1(Resource):
def post(self):
json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
if not 'hashes' in json_data:
return {'message': 'JSON format incorrect. An array of hashes in the key \'hashes\' is expected.'}, 404
ret = []
for val in json_data['hashes']:
return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':