different channels: - nx: non-existing hash value - exist: existing hash value |
bin | ||
dns | ||
doc | ||
etc | ||
README.md | ||
requirements |
hashlookup-server is a minimal and fast open source server (ReST/API) to lookup quickly hash value from large dataset.
The code was quickly written during some boring meetings. The code is still alpha and installation documentation is missing. I released it for the adventurous people who love to dig into new experimental projects.
- ReST API to lookup MD5 and SHA-1 hashes or bulk search from large dataset
- A simple DNS server to provide hash lookup via DNS queries
- Import scripts for the NSRL database
The server requires a recent version of Python (Python 3.6 or better) and a kvrocks database.
If you don't want to run your own local server, you can use and test hashlookup.circl.lu.
Public Online version - CIRCL hashlookup (hashlookup.circl.lu)
CIRCL hash lookup is a public API to lookup hash values against known database of files. NSRL RDS database is included. More database will be included in the future. The API is accessible via HTTP ReST API and the API is also described as an OpenAPI.
Is it a database of malicious or non-malicious hash of files?
CIRCL hashlookup service only gives details about known files appearing in specific database(s). This gives you context and information about file hashes which can be discovered during investigation or digital forensic analysis.
- Make sure kvrocks is installed
- Download the NSRL files
- In bin/run.sh point to where kvrocks is installed
- For example "/home/ubuntu/kvrocks/src/kvrocks -c /home/ubuntu/hashlookup-server/etc/kvrocks.conf"
- In kvrocks.conf change
- dir to where you want to store the database
- update pidfile backup-dir and log-dir
- in import.py : point to where you stored the NSRL downloaded files
- statistics are kept in stat:NSRLAndroid
- do a test run, in import.py change maxvalue to 2, run import.py and then query the results
- redis-cli -p 6666
- HGETALL "h:000000F694CA9BF73836D67DEB5E2724338B422D"
API Usage
Get information about the hash lookup database (via ReST)
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://hashlookup.circl.lu/info' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
"nsrl-version": "RDS Verion 2.73.1 - July 2021",
"nsrl-NSRL-items": "165968856",
"nsrl-NSRL-Legacy-items": "113737918",
"nsrl-Android-items": "33419323",
"nsrl-iOS-items": "46447082",
"nsrl-NSRLMfg": "92353",
"nsrl-NSRLOS": "1331",
"nsrl-NSRLProd": "19050",
"hashlookup-version": "1.0"
Perform an MD5 hash lookup
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://hashlookup.circl.lu/lookup/md5/8ED4B4ED952526D89899E723F3488DE4' \
-H 'accept: application/json'
"CRC32": "7A5407CA",
"FileName": "wow64_microsoft-windows-i..timezones.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16299.579_de-de_f24979c73226184d.manifest",
"FileSize": "2520",
"MD5": "8ED4B4ED952526D89899E723F3488DE4",
"OpSystemCode": {
"MfgCode": "1006",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"OpSystemName": "TBD",
"OpSystemVersion": "none"
"ProductCode": {
"ApplicationType": "Security",
"Language": "Multilanguage",
"MfgCode": "608",
"OpSystemCode": "868",
"ProductCode": "190742",
"ProductName": "Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2016 for x64 (KB4338817)",
"ProductVersion": "1709"
"SHA-1": "00000079FD7AAC9B2F9C988C50750E1F50B27EB5",
"SpecialCode": ""
Perform an SHA-1 hash lookup
curl -X 'GET' 'https://hashlookup.circl.lu/lookup/sha1/FFFFFDAC1B1B4C513896C805C2C698D9688BE69F' -H 'accept: application/json' | jq .
"CRC32": "CBD64CD9",
"FileName": ".rela.dyn",
"FileSize": "240",
"MD5": "131312A96CAD4ACAA7E2631A34A0D47C",
"OpSystemCode": {
"MfgCode": "1006",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"OpSystemName": "TBD",
"OpSystemVersion": "none"
"ProductCode": {
"ApplicationType": "Operating System",
"Language": "English",
"MfgCode": "1722",
"OpSystemCode": "599",
"ProductCode": "163709",
"ProductName": "BlackArch Linux",
"ProductVersion": "2017.03.01"
"SHA-1": "FFFFFDAC1B1B4C513896C805C2C698D9688BE69F",
"SpecialCode": ""
Bulk search of MD5 hashes
curl -X 'POST' 'https://hashlookup.circl.lu/bulk/md5' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"hashes\": [\"6E2F8616A01725DCB37BED0A2495AEB2\", \"8ED4B4ED952526D89899E723F3488DE4\", \"344428FA4BA313712E4CA9B16D089AC4\"]}" | jq .
"CRC32": "E774FD92",
"FileName": "network",
"FileSize": "7279",
"MD5": "6E2F8616A01725DCB37BED0A2495AEB2",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"ProductCode": "8321",
"SHA-1": "00000903319A8CE18A03DFA22C07C6CA43602061",
"SpecialCode": ""
"CRC32": "7A5407CA",
"FileName": "wow64_microsoft-windows-i..timezones.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16299.579_de-de_f24979c73226184d.manifest",
"FileSize": "2520",
"MD5": "8ED4B4ED952526D89899E723F3488DE4",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"ProductCode": "190742",
"SHA-1": "00000079FD7AAC9B2F9C988C50750E1F50B27EB5",
"SpecialCode": ""
"CRC32": "7516A25F",
"FileName": ".text._ZNSt14overflow_errorC1ERKSs",
"FileSize": "33",
"MD5": "344428FA4BA313712E4CA9B16D089AC4",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"ProductCode": "219181",
"SHA-1": "0000001FFEF4BE312BAB534ECA7AEAA3E4684D85",
"SpecialCode": ""
Bulk search of SHA-1 hashes
curl -X 'POST' 'https://hashlookup.circl.lu/bulk/sha1' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"hashes\": [\"FFFFFDAC1B1B4C513896C805C2C698D9688BE69F\", \"FFFFFF4DB8282D002893A9BAF00E9E9D4BA45E65\", \"FFFFFE4C92E3F7282C7502F1734B243FA52326FB\"]}" | jq .
"CRC32": "CBD64CD9",
"FileName": ".rela.dyn",
"FileSize": "240",
"MD5": "131312A96CAD4ACAA7E2631A34A0D47C",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"ProductCode": "163709",
"SHA-1": "FFFFFDAC1B1B4C513896C805C2C698D9688BE69F",
"SpecialCode": ""
"CRC32": "8654F11A",
"FileName": "s_copypix.c",
"FileSize": "19541",
"MD5": "559D049F44942683093A91BA19D0AF54",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"ProductCode": "215139",
"SHA-1": "FFFFFF4DB8282D002893A9BAF00E9E9D4BA45E65",
"SpecialCode": ""
"CRC32": "8E51A269",
"FileName": "358.git2-msvstfs.dll",
"FileSize": "65",
"MD5": "9E4C165089CBA3653484C3F23F1CBC67",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"ProductCode": "201317",
"SHA-1": "FFFFFE4C92E3F7282C7502F1734B243FA52326FB",
"SpecialCode": ""
API and HTTP return codes
HTTP return code | Description and Interpretation |
200 | 200 means the searched hash is present in at least one of the database |
404 | 404 means the searched hash is not present in the any of the database |
400 | 400 means the input used for the hash is in an incorrect format |
Querying the hashlookup database via DNS
The domain to query is <query>.dns.hashlookup.circl.lu
. The query can be info
or an MD5 or SHA-1 value.
Info of the hashlookup database
dig +short -t TXT info.dns.hashlookup.circl.lu | jq -r . | jq .
"nsrl-version": "RDS Verion 2.73.1 - July 2021",
"nsrl-NSRL-items": "165968856",
"nsrl-Android-items": "33419323",
"nsrl-iOS-items": "46447082",
"nsrl-NSRLMfg": "543004",
"nsrl-NSRLOS": "6414",
"nsrl-NSRLProd": "333546",
"hashlookup-version": "0.1"
Query of a hash
dig +short -t TXT 931606baaa7a2b4ef61198406f8fc3f4.dns.hashlookup.circl.lu | jq -r . | jq .
"CRC32": "13C49389",
"FileName": "ls",
"FileSize": "133792",
"MD5": "931606BAAA7A2B4EF61198406F8FC3F4",
"OpSystemCode": "362",
"ProductCode": "217853",
"SHA-1": "D3A21675A8F19518D8B8F3CEF0F6A21DE1DA6CC7",
"SpecialCode": ""
Sample digital forensic use-cases
How to quickly check a set of files in a local directory?
sha1sum * | cut -f1 -d" " | parallel 'curl -s https://hashlookup.circl.lu/lookup/sha1/{}' | jq .
Negative output (hash not existing in the database) can be excluded with the -f
option of curl
sha1sum * | cut -f1 -d" " | parallel 'curl -f -s https://hashlookup.circl.lu/lookup/sha1/{}' | jq .
Libraries and Software available which use CIRCL hashlookup
- PyHashlookup is a client API in Python to query CIRCL hashlookup.
- The Hive Project - Cortex Analyzers pull-request to be integrated in The Hive Cortex Analyzers.
This software is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
- Copyright (C) 2021 CIRCL - Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg
- Copyright (C) 2021 Alexandre Dulaunoy