
526 lines
9 KiB

Terminals which are not used:
rule 1 module -> typelist
rule 2 typelist -> /* empty */
rule 3 typelist -> definition typelist
rule 4 definition -> selecttype
rule 5 definition -> constant_type
rule 6 selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' selecterateds ',' selectmax '}' NAME_ ';'
rule 7 selecterateds -> selecterateds ',' selecterated
rule 8 selecterateds -> selecterated
rule 9 selectmax -> '(' NUM_ ')'
rule 10 selecterated -> selecterated_no_code
rule 11 selecterated -> selecterated_code
rule 12 selecterated_code -> NAME_ '(' NUM_ ')' CODE_
rule 13 selecterated_no_code -> NAME_ '(' NUM_ ')'
rule 14 constant_type -> CONSTANT_ '{' constants '}' NAME_ ';'
rule 15 constants -> constants constant
rule 16 constants -> constant
rule 17 constant -> NAME_ NAME_ '=' '{' constval '}' ';'
rule 18 constval -> NUM_ ',' NUM_ ',' NUM_
rule 19 constval -> NUM_ ',' NUM_
rule 20 constval -> NUM_
Terminals, with rules where they appear
$ (-1)
'(' (40) 9 12 13
')' (41) 9 12 13
',' (44) 6 7 18 19
';' (59) 6 14 17
'=' (61) 17
'{' (123) 6 14 17
'}' (125) 6 14 17
error (256)
NAME_ (257) 6 12 13 14 17
NUM_ (258) 9 12 13 18 19 20
DOT_DOT_ (259)
STRUCT_ (260)
SELECT_ (261) 6
OPAQUE_ (262)
ENUM_ (263)
CODE_ (266) 12
CASE_ (268)
CONSTANT_ (269) 14
Nonterminals, with rules where they appear
module (23)
on left: 1
typelist (24)
on left: 2 3, on right: 1 3
definition (25)
on left: 4 5, on right: 3
selecttype (26)
on left: 6, on right: 4
selecterateds (27)
on left: 7 8, on right: 6 7
selectmax (28)
on left: 9, on right: 6
selecterated (29)
on left: 10 11, on right: 7 8
selecterated_code (30)
on left: 12, on right: 11
selecterated_no_code (31)
on left: 13, on right: 10
constant_type (32)
on left: 14, on right: 5
constants (33)
on left: 15 16, on right: 14 15
constant (34)
on left: 17, on right: 15 16
constval (35)
on left: 18 19 20, on right: 17
state 0
SELECT_ shift, and go to state 1
CONSTANT_ shift, and go to state 2
$default reduce using rule 2 (typelist)
module go to state 46
typelist go to state 3
definition go to state 4
selecttype go to state 5
constant_type go to state 6
state 1
selecttype -> SELECT_ . '{' selecterateds ',' selectmax '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 6)
'{' shift, and go to state 7
state 2
constant_type -> CONSTANT_ . '{' constants '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 14)
'{' shift, and go to state 8
state 3
module -> typelist . (rule 1)
$default reduce using rule 1 (module)
state 4
typelist -> definition . typelist (rule 3)
SELECT_ shift, and go to state 1
CONSTANT_ shift, and go to state 2
$default reduce using rule 2 (typelist)
typelist go to state 9
definition go to state 4
selecttype go to state 5
constant_type go to state 6
state 5
definition -> selecttype . (rule 4)
$default reduce using rule 4 (definition)
state 6
definition -> constant_type . (rule 5)
$default reduce using rule 5 (definition)
state 7
selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' . selecterateds ',' selectmax '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 6)
NAME_ shift, and go to state 10
selecterateds go to state 11
selecterated go to state 12
selecterated_code go to state 13
selecterated_no_code go to state 14
state 8
constant_type -> CONSTANT_ '{' . constants '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 14)
NAME_ shift, and go to state 15
constants go to state 16
constant go to state 17
state 9
typelist -> definition typelist . (rule 3)
$default reduce using rule 3 (typelist)
state 10
selecterated_code -> NAME_ . '(' NUM_ ')' CODE_ (rule 12)
selecterated_no_code -> NAME_ . '(' NUM_ ')' (rule 13)
'(' shift, and go to state 18
state 11
selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' selecterateds . ',' selectmax '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 6)
selecterateds -> selecterateds . ',' selecterated (rule 7)
',' shift, and go to state 19
state 12
selecterateds -> selecterated . (rule 8)
$default reduce using rule 8 (selecterateds)
state 13
selecterated -> selecterated_code . (rule 11)
$default reduce using rule 11 (selecterated)
state 14
selecterated -> selecterated_no_code . (rule 10)
$default reduce using rule 10 (selecterated)
state 15
constant -> NAME_ . NAME_ '=' '{' constval '}' ';' (rule 17)
NAME_ shift, and go to state 20
state 16
constant_type -> CONSTANT_ '{' constants . '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 14)
constants -> constants . constant (rule 15)
NAME_ shift, and go to state 15
'}' shift, and go to state 21
constant go to state 22
state 17
constants -> constant . (rule 16)
$default reduce using rule 16 (constants)
state 18
selecterated_code -> NAME_ '(' . NUM_ ')' CODE_ (rule 12)
selecterated_no_code -> NAME_ '(' . NUM_ ')' (rule 13)
NUM_ shift, and go to state 23
state 19
selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' selecterateds ',' . selectmax '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 6)
selecterateds -> selecterateds ',' . selecterated (rule 7)
NAME_ shift, and go to state 10
'(' shift, and go to state 24
selectmax go to state 25
selecterated go to state 26
selecterated_code go to state 13
selecterated_no_code go to state 14
state 20
constant -> NAME_ NAME_ . '=' '{' constval '}' ';' (rule 17)
'=' shift, and go to state 27
state 21
constant_type -> CONSTANT_ '{' constants '}' . NAME_ ';' (rule 14)
NAME_ shift, and go to state 28
state 22
constants -> constants constant . (rule 15)
$default reduce using rule 15 (constants)
state 23
selecterated_code -> NAME_ '(' NUM_ . ')' CODE_ (rule 12)
selecterated_no_code -> NAME_ '(' NUM_ . ')' (rule 13)
')' shift, and go to state 29
state 24
selectmax -> '(' . NUM_ ')' (rule 9)
NUM_ shift, and go to state 30
state 25
selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' selecterateds ',' selectmax . '}' NAME_ ';' (rule 6)
'}' shift, and go to state 31
state 26
selecterateds -> selecterateds ',' selecterated . (rule 7)
$default reduce using rule 7 (selecterateds)
state 27
constant -> NAME_ NAME_ '=' . '{' constval '}' ';' (rule 17)
'{' shift, and go to state 32
state 28
constant_type -> CONSTANT_ '{' constants '}' NAME_ . ';' (rule 14)
';' shift, and go to state 33
state 29
selecterated_code -> NAME_ '(' NUM_ ')' . CODE_ (rule 12)
selecterated_no_code -> NAME_ '(' NUM_ ')' . (rule 13)
CODE_ shift, and go to state 34
$default reduce using rule 13 (selecterated_no_code)
state 30
selectmax -> '(' NUM_ . ')' (rule 9)
')' shift, and go to state 35
state 31
selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' selecterateds ',' selectmax '}' . NAME_ ';' (rule 6)
NAME_ shift, and go to state 36
state 32
constant -> NAME_ NAME_ '=' '{' . constval '}' ';' (rule 17)
NUM_ shift, and go to state 37
constval go to state 38
state 33
constant_type -> CONSTANT_ '{' constants '}' NAME_ ';' . (rule 14)
$default reduce using rule 14 (constant_type)
state 34
selecterated_code -> NAME_ '(' NUM_ ')' CODE_ . (rule 12)
$default reduce using rule 12 (selecterated_code)
state 35
selectmax -> '(' NUM_ ')' . (rule 9)
$default reduce using rule 9 (selectmax)
state 36
selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' selecterateds ',' selectmax '}' NAME_ . ';' (rule 6)
';' shift, and go to state 39
state 37
constval -> NUM_ . ',' NUM_ ',' NUM_ (rule 18)
constval -> NUM_ . ',' NUM_ (rule 19)
constval -> NUM_ . (rule 20)
',' shift, and go to state 40
$default reduce using rule 20 (constval)
state 38
constant -> NAME_ NAME_ '=' '{' constval . '}' ';' (rule 17)
'}' shift, and go to state 41
state 39
selecttype -> SELECT_ '{' selecterateds ',' selectmax '}' NAME_ ';' . (rule 6)
$default reduce using rule 6 (selecttype)
state 40
constval -> NUM_ ',' . NUM_ ',' NUM_ (rule 18)
constval -> NUM_ ',' . NUM_ (rule 19)
NUM_ shift, and go to state 42
state 41
constant -> NAME_ NAME_ '=' '{' constval '}' . ';' (rule 17)
';' shift, and go to state 43
state 42
constval -> NUM_ ',' NUM_ . ',' NUM_ (rule 18)
constval -> NUM_ ',' NUM_ . (rule 19)
',' shift, and go to state 44
$default reduce using rule 19 (constval)
state 43
constant -> NAME_ NAME_ '=' '{' constval '}' ';' . (rule 17)
$default reduce using rule 17 (constant)
state 44
constval -> NUM_ ',' NUM_ ',' . NUM_ (rule 18)
NUM_ shift, and go to state 45
state 45
constval -> NUM_ ',' NUM_ ',' NUM_ . (rule 18)
$default reduce using rule 18 (constval)
state 46
$ go to state 47
state 47
$ go to state 48
state 48
$default accept