cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16.3) include(CheckSymbolExists) project( ssldump VERSION 1.8 LANGUAGES C ) configure_file(base/ base/pcap-snoop.c) set(SOURCES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/base/pcap-snoop.c base/network.c base/proto_mod.c base/tcppack.c base/tcpconn.c null/null_analyze.c common/lib/r_data.c common/lib/r_assoc.c common/lib/r_errors.c common/lib/debug.c ssl/ssl_analyze.c ssl/ssldecode.c ssl/sslprint.c ssl/ssl.enums.c ssl/sslxprint.c ssl/ciphersuites.c ssl/ssl_rec.c pcap/logpkt.c pcap/pcap_logger.c pcap/sys.c ) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) find_package(OpenSSL) if(NOT OPENSSL_FOUND) message( FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find OpenSSL development files on this system On Debian and Ubuntu systems you can install the required library and header files with apt install libssl-dev On Fedora systems, with dnf install openssl-devel" ) endif() #dnf install openssl-devel libpcap-devel libnet-devel json-c-devel find_package(PCAP) if(NOT PCAP_FOUND) message( FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libpcap development files on this system On Debian and Ubuntu systems you can install the required library and header files with apt install libpcap-dev On Fedora systems, with dnf install libpcap-devel" ) endif() find_package(LIBNET) if(NOT LIBNET_FOUND) message( FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libnet development files on this system On Debian and Ubuntu systems you can install the required library and header files with apt install libnet1-dev On Fedora systems, with dnf install libnet-devel" ) endif() find_package(JSONC) if(NOT JSONC_FOUND) message( FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find libjson-c development files on this system On Debian and Ubuntu systems you can install the required library and header files with apt install libjson-c-dev On Fedora systems, with dnf install json-c-devel" ) endif() add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES}) check_symbol_exists(strdup "string.h" HAVE_STRDUP) if(HAVE_STRDUP) add_definitions(-DHAVE_STRDUP) endif() add_definitions(-DLINUX) add_definitions(-DOPENSSL) add_definitions(-D_DEFAULT_SOURCE=1) target_include_directories(ssldump PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/common/include ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/common/lib ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/null ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ssl ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/base ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/pcap ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${PCAP_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LIBNET_INCLUDE_DIR} ${JSONC_INCLUDE_DIR} ) target_link_libraries(ssldump PRIVATE ${OPENSSL_LIBRARIES} ${PCAP_LIBRARY} ${LIBNET_LIBRARY} ${JSONC_LIBRARIES} ) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local") install(TARGETS ssldump DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR "/usr/local/share/man") install(FILES ssldump.1 DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/man1)