# Write-Only Hugo Theme Write-Only Hugo is a simple, clean and straightforward blog theme. ![Screenshot](https://gitlab.com/writeonlyhugo/writeonlyhugo-theme/-/raw/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Live Demo See [here](https://writeonlyhugo.gitlab.io/writeonlyhugo-demo/). ## Quick Start If you are creating a new website, the quickest way to get up and running is to clone the demo website. ```bash git clone https://gitlab.com/writeonlyhugo/writeonlyhugo-demo.git ``` Alternatively, you can clone just the theme to your theme folder: ```bash git clone https://gitlab.com/writeonlyhugo/writeonlyhugo-theme.git themes/writeonlyhugo-theme ``` The folder `hugoBasicExample` contains a working version of a website with the theme. It includes: the configuration file `config.yaml` and the content folder `content` with the usual markdown examples. ## Quick Test To test the website: ```bash cd hugoBasicExample && hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` ## License Write-Only Hugo Theme is licensed under the MIT license.