#!/usr/bin/python3 # [rssfind.py](https://github.com/adulau/rss-tools/blob/master/bin/rssfind.py) is a simple script designed to discover RSS or Atom feeds from a given URL. # # It employs two techniques: # # - The first involves searching for direct link references to the feed within the HTML page. # - The second uses a brute-force approach, trying a series of known paths for feeds to determine if they are valid RSS or Atom feeds. # # The script returns an array in JSON format containing all the potential feeds it discovers. import sys import urllib.parse from optparse import OptionParser import random import feedparser import orjson as json import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4 brute_force_urls = [ "index.xml", "feed/index.php", "feed.xml", "feed.atom", "feed.rss", "feed.json", "feed.php", "feed.asp", "posts.rss", "blog.xml", "atom.xml", "podcasts.xml", "main.atom", "main.xml", ] random.shuffle(brute_force_urls) def findfeeds(url=None, disable_strict=False): if url is None: return None raw = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text results = [] discovered_feeds = [] html = bs4(raw, features="lxml") feed_urls = html.findAll("link", rel="alternate") if feed_urls: for f in feed_urls: tag = f.get("type", None) if tag: if "feed" in tag or "rss" in tag or "xml" in tag: href = f.get("href", None) if href: discovered_feeds.append(href) parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) base = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.hostname}" ahreftags = html.findAll("a") for a in ahreftags: href = a.get("href", None) if href: if "feed" in href or "rss" in href or "xml" in href: discovered_feeds.append(f"{base}{href}") for url in list(set(discovered_feeds)): f = feedparser.parse(url) if f.entries: if url not in results: results.append(url) if disable_strict: return list(set(discovered_feeds)) else: return results def brutefindfeeds(url=None, disable_strict=False): if url is None: return None found_urls = [] found_valid_feeds = [] parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) for path in brute_force_urls: url = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.hostname}/{path}" r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: found_urls.append(url) for url in list(set(found_urls)): f = feedparser.parse(url) if f.entries: if url not in found_valid_feeds: found_valid_feeds.append(url) if disable_strict: return list(set(found_urls)) else: return found_valid_feeds version = "0.2" user_agent = f"rssfind.py {version} +https://github.com/adulau/rss-tools" feedparser.USER_AGENT = user_agent headers = {"User-Agent": user_agent} usage = "Find RSS or Atom feeds from an URL\nusage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( "-l", "--link", dest="link", help="http link where to find one or more feed source(s)", ) parser.add_option( "-d", "--disable-strict", action="store_false", default=False, help="Include empty feeds in the list, default strict is enabled", ) parser.add_option( "-b", "--brute-force", action="store_true", default=False, help="Search RSS/Atom feeds by brute-forcing url path (useful if the page is missing a link entry)", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.link: print("Link/url missing - -l option") parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if not options.brute_force: print( json.dumps( findfeeds(url=options.link, disable_strict=options.disable_strict) ).decode("utf-8") ) else: print( json.dumps( brutefindfeeds(url=options.link, disable_strict=options.disable_strict) ).decode("utf-8") )