#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # a at foo dot be - Alexandre Dulaunoy - http://www.foo.be/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/RssAny # # rsscluster.py is a simple script to cluster items from an rss feed based on a # time interval (expressed in number of days). The maxitem is the # number of item maximum after the clustering. # # an example use is for Mastodon where you can have a lot of toots during # one day and you want to cluster them in one single item in RSS or in (X)HTML. # # example of use : # python3 rsscluster.py --interval 5 --maxitem 20 "https://paperbay.org/@a.rss" >adulau.xml import feedparser import sys, os import time import datetime import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import hashlib from optparse import OptionParser # print sys.stdout.encoding version = "0.2" feedparser.USER_AGENT = "rsscluster.py " + version + " +http://www.foo.be/" def date_as_rfc(value): return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.localtime(value)) def build_rss(myitem, maxitem): RSSroot = ET.Element("rss", {"version": "2.0"}) RSSchannel = ET.SubElement(RSSroot, "channel") ET.SubElement(RSSchannel, "title").text = ( "RSS cluster of " + str(url) + " per " + str(options.interval) + " days" ) ET.SubElement(RSSchannel, "link").text = str(url) ET.SubElement(RSSchannel, "description").text = ( "RSS cluster of " + str(url) + " per " + str(options.interval) + " days" ) ET.SubElement(RSSchannel, "generator").text = "by rsscluster.py " + version ET.SubElement(RSSchannel, "pubDate").text = date_as_rfc(time.time()) for bloodyitem in myitem[0:maxitem]: RSSitem = ET.SubElement(RSSchannel, "item") ET.SubElement(RSSitem, "title").text = ( "clustered data of " + date_as_rfc(float(bloodyitem[0])) + " for " + str(url) ) ET.SubElement(RSSitem, "pubDate").text = date_as_rfc(float(bloodyitem[0])) ET.SubElement(RSSitem, "description").text = bloodyitem[1] h = hashlib.md5() h.update(bloodyitem[1].encode("utf-8")) ET.SubElement(RSSitem, "guid").text = h.hexdigest() RSSfeed = ET.ElementTree(RSSroot) feed = ET.tostring(RSSroot) return feed def complete_feed(myfeed): myheader = '' return myheader + str(myfeed) def DaysInSec(val): return int(val) * 24 * 60 * 60 usage = "usage: %prog [options] url" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( "-m", "--maxitem", dest="maxitem", help="maximum item to list in the feed, default 200", ) parser.add_option( "-i", "--interval", dest="interval", help="time interval expressed in days, default 1 day", ) # 2007-11-10 11:25:51 pattern = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.interval is None: options.interval = 1 options.output = 1 if options.maxitem == None: options.maxitem = 200 if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") allitem = {} url = args[0] d = feedparser.parse(url) if options.interval is None: options.interval = 0 interval = DaysInSec(options.interval) previousepoch = [] clusteredepoch = [] tcluster = [] for el in d.entries: if 'modified_parsed' in el: eldatetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(el.modified_parsed)) else: eldatetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(el.published_parsed)) elepoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(str(eldatetime), pattern))) if len(previousepoch): # print el.link, int(previousepoch[0])-int(elepoch), interval if len(clusteredepoch): value = clusteredepoch.pop() else: value = "" if 'title' in el: clusteredepoch.append(value + ' ' + el.title + "") else: clusteredepoch.append(value + ' ' + el.summary + "") if not ((int(previousepoch[0]) - int(elepoch)) < interval): value = clusteredepoch.pop() starttimetuple = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(previousepoch[0]) endttimetuple = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(previousepoch.pop()) clusteredepoch.append( value + " from: " + str(starttimetuple.ctime()) + " to: " + str(endttimetuple.ctime()) ) if previousepoch: startdatelist = str(previousepoch[0]), str( clusteredepoch[len(clusteredepoch) - 1] ) tcluster.append(startdatelist) del previousepoch[0 : len(previousepoch)] del clusteredepoch[0 : len(clusteredepoch)] else: if 'title' in el: clusteredepoch.append(' ' + el.title + "") else: clusteredepoch.append(' ' + el.summary + "") previousepoch.append(elepoch) # if last cluster list was not complete, we add the time period information. if len(previousepoch): value = clusteredepoch.pop() starttimetuple = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(previousepoch[0]) endttimetuple = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(previousepoch.pop()) clusteredepoch.append( value + " from: " + str(starttimetuple.ctime()) + " to: " + str(endttimetuple.ctime()) ) del previousepoch[0 : len(previousepoch)] tcluster.sort() tcluster.reverse() print(complete_feed(build_rss(tcluster, int(options.maxitem))))