# # Minimal and Scalable Passive DNS - Redis feeder # # Read dnscap output to feed a Redis database # # # Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Alexandre Dulaunoy # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use warnings; use Date::Manip; use Redis; use Scalar::Util; use IO::Handle; $| = 1; my $block = 0; my $date; my %counter = ( "processed" => 0, "redisrst" => 0 ); my @RRType = ( "A", "AAAA", "CNAME", "NS" ); my %RRTypevalue = ( "A" => 1, "AAAA" => 28, "CNAME" => 5, "NS" => 2, "MX" => 15, "SRV" => 33 ); my $parsedate = new Date::Manip::Date; my $r = Redis->new( server => '', encoding => undef ); my $stdin = new IO::Handle; $stdin->fdopen( fileno(STDIN), "r" ); while ( defined( $_ = $stdin->getline ) ) { if ( $counter{'redisrst'} == 1 ) { $r->quit; undef($r); print "Reset\n"; $r = Redis->new( server => '', encoding => undef ); $counter{'redisrst'} = 0; } if (m/^\[/) { $block = 1; { my @s = split; $date = $s[1]; } } if ( !(m/^\[/) ) { $_ =~ s/\cI//; # discarding - [].53 [].5234 if (m/^\[/) { next; } # split - 21 ns10.ovh.net,IN,AAAA,172800,2001:41d0:1:1981::1 \ if (m/^\d* /) { $_ =~ s/^\d* //; } # discarding - dns QUERY,NOERROR,26278,qr|rd|ra \ if (m/^dns /) { next; } # decode line ProcessRequest( $date, $_ ); $counter{'processed'}++; } if ( ( $counter{'processed'} % 1000 ) == 0 ) { $counter{'redisrst'} = 1; print "Processed:" . $counter{'processed'} . " Redist RST:" . $counter{'redisrst'} . "\n"; } } sub ProcessRequest { my $epoch = shift; my $line = shift; chomp($line); #my $err = $parsedate->parse($date); #my $epoch = $parsedate->printf('%s'); my @l = split( /,/, $line ); if ( $l[2] ~~ @RRType ) { my @rdatas = split( / /, $l[4] ); #$l[4] =~ s/\s\\.*$//g; #$l[4] =~ s/(.*)\s/$1/g; print $l[0] . " " . $l[2] . " " . "$rdatas[0]\n"; my @rdatap = split( / /, $l[4] ); RedisUpdate( $l[0], $l[2], $rdatap[0], $epoch ); undef(@rdatap); } } sub RedisUpdate { my $name = lc(shift); my $recordtype = shift; my $rdata = lc(shift); my $timestamp = shift; my $recordtypevalue = $RRTypevalue{$recordtype}; my $pdns_r = "r:" . $name . ":" . $recordtypevalue; my $pdns_v = "v:" . $rdata; my $pdns_s = "s:" . $name . ":" . $rdata; my $pdns_l = "l:" . $name . ":" . $rdata; my $pdns_o = "o:" . $name . ":" . $rdata; my $ret = $r->sadd( $pdns_r, $rdata ); $ret = $r->sadd( $pdns_v, $name ); # set first seen value if ( !( $r->exists($pdns_s) ) ) { $ret = $r->set( $pdns_s, $timestamp ); } # set last seen value $ret = $r->set( $pdns_l, $timestamp ); # increment the occurence value $ret = $r->incr($pdns_o); }