First crappy code committed and does the following:

- Reading stream from RIPE Atlas for DNS measurement
- Extracting the DNS measurements from all possible answers
- Populating a Redis dataset for the statistics (ZRANK)

The current statistics are on DNS records type and name.
This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Dulaunoy 2017-04-20 15:29:01 +02:00
parent 7338623f1a
commit 904204ea14

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
# passive-dns-atlas
# Experimental Passive DNS collector and stats from the RIPE Atlas Stream
# Free Software released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379)
from ripe.atlas.cousteau import AtlasStream
from ripe.atlas.sagan import Result
from ripe.atlas.sagan import DnsResult
import dns.message
import base64
# Fields name are different in sagan and cousteau for parsed DNS
fields = ['TYPE', 'NAME']
fieldsSagan = ['Type', 'Name', 'TTL', 'Class']
def process_answers(data=None, sagan=False):
if data is None:
return False
if not sagan:
for answer in data:
for field in fields:
r.zincrby(field, answer[field], 1)
#r.zincrby('mname', answer['MNAME'], 1)
for field in fieldsSagan:
r.zincrby(field.upper(), data[field], 1)
def truncating(default=50):
def on_result_response(*args ):
#Store probe statistics in Redis
#print (args[0]['prb_id'])
if 'result' in args[0]:
result = args[0]['result']
if 'answers' in result:
# print (result['answers'])
# Some of the records are not automatically decoded and need to pass
# into ripe.atlas.sagan firat
res = DnsResult.get(args[0],parse_buf=True)
if (res.responses[0].abuf.answers):
for answer in res.responses[0].abuf.answers:
process_answers(data=answer['raw_data'], sagan=True)
#print (answer['raw_data'])
## TO add in debug option dns.message verus sagan (sagan seems faster)
#print (dns.message.from_wire(base64.b64decode(args[0]['result']['abuf'])))
print ('no answers')
atlas_stream = AtlasStream()
channel = "atlas_result"
atlas_stream.bind_channel(channel, on_result_response)
stream_parameters = {"type": "dns"}
atlas_stream.start_stream(stream_type="result", **stream_parameters)