#!/usr/bin/perl # # # This perl script is dumping the urls submitted # by an HN user. Sometime it's better than any # del.icio.us stream when the HN user has some # special interests. # # Usage: # # perl hn2bookmarks.pl # # by Alexandre Dulaunoy, released under the modified BSD license. # use Scrappy; my $spidy = Scrappy->new; my $username = $ARGV[0]; my $url = "http://news.ycombinator.com/submitted?id=" . $username; my @bookmarks; sub hnfetch { my $url = shift; print STDERR "Fetching " . $url . "\n"; $spidy->crawl( $url, { 'table td a' => sub { if ( $_[0]->{href} =~ m/^http/ ) { push( @bookmarks, $_[0]->{href} ) if not( $_[0]->{href} =~ m/^http:\/\/ycombinator.com/ ); } if ( $_[0]->{text} =~ m/^More$/ ) { my $nextpage = "http://news.ycombinator.com" . $_[0]->{href}; hnfetch($nextpage); last; } }, } ) } hnfetch($url); # remove footer URLs splice( @bookmarks, -3 ); foreach (@bookmarks) { print $_. "\n"; }