title: So Simple Theme description: A simple and clean responsive Jekyll theme for words and photos. logo: site-logo.png disqus_shortname: sosimpletheme #Comment out url when working locally to resolve base urls correctly url: http://mmistakes.github.io/so-simple-theme # Owner/author information owner: name: Michael Rose avatar: michael-rose-sketch.jpg email: michael@mademistakes.com # Social networking links used in footer. Update and remove as you like. twitter: "mmistakes" facebook: "michaelrose" github: "mmistakes" linkedin: "michaelrose" instagram: "mmistakes" tumblr: "mademistakes" # For Google Authorship https://plus.google.com/authorship google_plus: "http://plus.google.com/118238196859537351707" # Analytics and webmaster tools stuff goes here google_analytics: UA-42019123-1 google_verify: # https://ssl.bing.com/webmaster/configure/verify/ownership Option 2 content= goes here bing_verify: # Internal pages/posts to include in top navigation links: - title: About url: /about - title: Articles url: /articles - title: Theme Setup url: /theme-setup # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones timezone: America/New_York future: true pygments: true markdown: kramdown # https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Permalinks permalink: /:categories/:title kramdown: auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 use_coderay: false coderay: coderay_line_numbers: coderay_line_numbers_start: 1 coderay_tab_width: 4 coderay_bold_every: 10 coderay_css: class include: [".htaccess"] exclude: ["lib", "config.rb", "Capfile", "config", "log", "Rakefile", "Rakefile.rb", "tmp", "less", "so-simple-theme.sublime-project", "so-simple-theme.sublime-workspace"]