--- layout: post title: "Override Author Byline Test Post" excerpt: "An article to test overriding the default site author." categories: articles tags: [sample-post, readability, test] author: billy_rick comments: true share: true image: feature: so-simple-sample-image-7.jpg credit: WeGraphics creditlink: http://wegraphics.net/downloads/free-ultimate-blurred-background-pack/ --- For those of you who may have content written by multiple authors on your site you can now assign different authors to each post if desired. Previously the theme used a global author for the entire site and those attributes would be used in all bylines, social networking links, Twitter Card attribution, and Google Authorship. These `owner` variables were defined in `config.yml` Start by modifying or creating a new `authors.yml` file in the `_data` folder and add your authors using the following format. {% highlight yaml %} # Authors billy_rick: name: Billy Rick web: http://thewhip.com email: billy@rick.com bio: "What do you want, jewels? I am a very extravagant man." avatar: bio-photo-2.jpg twitter: extravagantman google: plus: +BillyRick cornelius_fiddlebone: name: Cornelius Fiddlebone email: cornelius@thewhip.com bio: "I ordered what?" avatar: bio-photo.jpg twitter: rhymeswithsackit google: plus: +CorneliusFiddlebone {% endhighlight %} To assign Billy Rick as an author for our post. You'd add the following YAML front matter to a post: {% highlight yaml %} author: billy_rick {% endhighlight %}