/*! Plugin options and other jQuery stuff */ // Responsive Nav var navigation = responsiveNav("#site-nav", { // Selector: The ID of the wrapper animate: true, // Boolean: Use CSS3 transitions, true or false transition: 200, // Integer: Speed of the transition, in milliseconds label: " Menu", // String: Label for the navigation toggle insert: "before", // String: Insert the toggle before or after the navigation customToggle: "", // Selector: Specify the ID of a custom toggle openPos: "relative", // String: Position of the opened nav, relative or static jsClass: "js", // String: 'JS enabled' class which is added to el init: function(){}, // Function: Init callback open: function(){}, // Function: Open callback close: function(){} // Function: Close callback }); $('html').click(function() { //Hide the menus if visible if ($(navigation.wrapper).hasClass('opened')) { navigation.toggle(); } }); $('#site-nav').click(function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); // FitVids options $(function() { $("article").fitVids(); }); // Add lightbox class to all image links $("a[href$='.jpg'],a[href$='.jpeg'],a[href$='.JPG'],a[href$='.png'],a[href$='.gif']").addClass("image-popup"); // Magnific-Popup options $(document).ready(function() { $('.image-popup').magnificPopup({ type: 'image', tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...', gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image }, image: { tError: 'Image #%curr% could not be loaded.', }, removalDelay: 300, // Delay in milliseconds before popup is removed // Class that is added to body when popup is open. // make it unique to apply your CSS animations just to this exact popup mainClass: 'mfp-fade' }); });