diff --git a/about/index.md b/about/index.md index fa71d67..710095c 100644 --- a/about/index.md +++ b/about/index.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ layout: page title: About the Jekyll Theme excerpt: "So Simple is a responsive Jekyll theme for your words and images." -modified: 2013-09-13 +modified: 2014-08-08T19:44:38.564948-04:00 image: feature: so-simple-sample-image-4.jpg credit: Michael Rose @@ -15,16 +15,11 @@ Looking for a simple, responsive, theme for your Jekyll powered blog? Well look * Responsive templates. Looking good on mobile, tablet, and desktop. * Gracefully degrading in older browsers. Compatible with Internet Explorer 9+ and all modern browsers. -* Minimal embellishments and subtle animations. -* Readable typography to make your words shine. -* Support for large images to call out your favorite posts. -* Disqus comments if you choose to enable. -* Simple and clear permalink structure[^1]. -* Tags for [Open Graph](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/) and [Twitter Cards](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards) for a better social sharing experience. -* Vanilla [custom 404 page]({{ site.url }}/404.html) to get you started. -* Stylesheets for Pygments and Coderay [syntax highlighting](http://mmistakes.github.io/so-simple-theme/articles/code-highlighting-post/) to make your code examples look snazzy. -* Simple search that overlays results based on post title. -* [Grunt build script]({{ site.url }}/theme-setup/index.html#theme-development) for easier theme development. +* Minimal embellishments and subtle animations. +* Optional large feature images for posts and pages. +* [Custom 404 page]({{ site.url }}/404.html) to get you started. +* [Simple site search](https://github.com/christian-fei/Simple-Jekyll-Search) +* Support for Disqus Comments Install Minimal Mistakes Theme