# site settings title: Alexandre Dulaunoy subtitle: multidisciplinary artist email: a@foo.be description: Finding traces. Trouver nos traces. baseurl: "/art" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog url: "https://www.foo.be" # the base hostname & protocol for your site author: street_address: 10 rue du faubourg city: Les Bulles state: Chiny zip_code: 6811 country: Belgium phone: # homepage tiles tiles-source: pages # accepts "posts" or "pages" tiles-count: 6 # social settings 500px_url: facebook_url: github_url: gitlab_url: googleplus_url: instagram_url: https://instagram.com/alexandredulaunoy linkedin_url: pinterest_url: slack_url: twitter_url: https://twitter.com/adulaua flickr_url: https://www.flickr.com/photos/adulau photo_url: https://www.foo.be/photoblog # build settings markdown: kramdown sass: style: compressed